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Meh Face Icon

The Problem

As I go about my day as a Product Designer, I encounter many different situations that make me ponder, laugh, question, and contemplate. Before Feb 2023, I didn't have a way to capture and release those ideas. That's where the Tech Poet comes in!

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Happy Face Icon

The Solution

I decided to take it upon myself to jot down my thoughts in poetry form. It started out as just a funny little thing on my notes app, but once I got into a rhythm, I made about 12 rough ideas in one day.

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What readers have to say

I'm always pleased to hear that my writing resonates with people and brings a smile to their face. Here's some messages I've received from my lovely coworkers.

"Your newsletter 👏👏👏 love it"

"Loved today's Tech Poet entry!"

"You perfectly capture what it's like to work in tech right now in a fun and funky fresh way"

"Can I just say I LOVE your poems. I was going through so many yesterday I love it"

"Loving your tech poet poems - today's was amazing I read it and appreciated the assonance before I realized it was a SONG ❤️"

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